The Key Aspect of Gaining Trust

In today’s workplace, almost 1 in 3 employees don’t trust their employers.

And the key aspect of gaining trust – is building relationships.

As much as we know relationships make all the difference in creating a healthy culture in a team and organization. we don’t always know the fundamentals of how to create relationships. Especially in an office environment.

More than anything, people want to be:

Seen:  For who they are, not what they do; For their character, values, hobbies, aspirations, dreams etc.

Heard:  Actually heard.  Listened to with their mind and hearts open. Fully present.

Acknowledged:  Yes, acknowledgement from an appreciation and recognition standpoint but also from a responsibility perspective. Ownership of the truth

And when you round that out with being in Integrity - you created trust.

When you create trust – your team, clients and organization are all in it with you.

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