Are You Missing This Opportunity With Your Team Members?

Are You Missing This Opportunity With Your Team Members?

I’m working with an SVP who has 4 VPs under him. And underneath those VPs are 20 more team members.

The leader before him didn’t spend any time coaching or developing these executives.

They didn’t hold the VPs accountable.

They weren’t upskilling them.

It’s trickled down to the rest of the team & organization.

So now they have to backtrack and start over from the highest level.

To start holding themselves and their direct reports accountable.

Leaders, there is a HUGE missed opportunity to:

UPSKILL your people.

When you don’t upskill, you end up with:
-Work that’s delivered late
-Poor work quality - VPs who haven’t been upskilled don’t know the work being delivered to them is poor
-People leaving - They get bored or don’t feel valued and go elsewhere
-Employees getting let go because they're not performing
-Increased recruiting costs
-Having to train someone new

You end up losing 6 months of productivity compared to if you had just coached/developed the person to begin with.

Even if you’re getting decent results… you have an opportunity to go even farther.

IF you’re upskilling your people.

Before you blame employees for not performing, pick up the mirror.

What have you done as their leader to help them be successful?

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