I have a confession to make

Earlier this year I made several commitments to support me in achieving my overall goals for the year.
Participate in podcasts
Create videos
Continue my coaching education
Attend a strength training class 2x per week
Eat well
And this past month I:
Took a much needed week vacation
Increased my coaching practice capacity and added several new clients to my business
Celebrated my birthday
Attended several events - both personally and professionally
And while I enjoyed all of these things, they also put limits on the time I had available.
Which meant I:
Was late - not for my clients - but for anything that wasn’t client related
Over scheduled myself creating conflicts
Didn’t produce podcasts or videos or as much content as I intended to
Wasn’t fully present or missing my coaching education
Gained 3lbs
Missed my strength training classes
And you’d be surprised how many people gave me an “out”.
They made excuses for me.
Excuses that I bought into. 
Until I finally took a moment to breathe and realize I was creating this endless cycle. 
I’ve let circumstances get in the way of my commitment.
And I was out of integrity.
I wasn’t aligning my choices to my commitments. 
Which feels good short term, but long term set me up to miss my intended goals for myself and my business for the year.
And I’m not aligned with that!
So today I choose to recommit.
Consciously choose what and to whom I say yes to.
And ensure my Intensions, speaking and actions align to my commitments.
What circumstances are you letting get in your way?
Fear of missing out
Those are just a few.

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