The Power of Admitting Your Mistakes as a Leader

The Power of Admitting Your Mistakes as a Leader

You’re doing a disservice to your employees if you’re not doing this.

We’ve all failed at some point in our life.


❌ Missed deadlines
❌ Made the wrong decision
❌ Invested in the wrong product or service
❌ Hired someone that wasn’t a good fit for the role
❌ Fell short of a goal/objective

We’re all human.

When you work for a leader that doesn’t admit their failures, employees lose respect for them.

They’re no longer relatable.

And if your employees can’t relate to you. They no longer trust you.

While people may admire perfection.

It’s not real.

It doesn’t exist.

There’s more power in owning your mistake.

“I’ll own that, I apologize. Here’s what I’ll do moving forward.”

Employees will learn from your mistakes.

And your team will follow your lead.

What mistakes have you made?

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